Shoei Smart Helmet IT-HL with Display (HUD)


Shoei is known for making high quality motorcycle helmets. This year Shoei collaborate with NS West on releasing a smart helmet. This helmet was introduced at CES 2019 January, and they are expecting to release it on market by Spring 2020.

What so special about IT-HL?

  • A small HUD (Head Up Display) inside helmet
  • Connect helmet with smartphone via Bluetooth
  • Projects navigation maps, riding speeds
  • Earphone and microphone are installed in the helmet
  • Users can listen to music and make phone calls


What is HUD?

  • Abbreviate for Head Up Display
  • Allow users to read the speed and navigation map with their head up
  • Projector is located at chin of the helmet
  • A power & volume button is located on the left side of helmet


What’s the catch?

  • Currently you could use it only if you download their official app
  • It might not be release in some countries due to different traffic laws & road rules
  • It runs in battery, there is a charging connector locate at the rear end of helmet
  • It is around 120,000-150,000 JPY, roughly about 1100-1350 USD


The idea of this helmet was based on drivers’ safety during their rides. They could head up all time to focus on the roads instead of looking down on the monitor for speed tracking or navigation.

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